What a great event last night, August 31: The World's Largest Overdose Prevention Training! This event was a collaboration between 14 local community health organisations so a BIG shout out to City Of Port Phillip Penington Institute St Kilda Gatehouse Launch Housing Sacred Heart Mission School of Hard KnocksInternational Overdose Awareness Day Ngwala Willumbong Co-OperativeStar Health Department of Health & Human Services, Victoria Martin Foley MP, Hip Hop artist Lewis Jack and others.
After a wonderful Welcome to Country we proceeded with a fitting memorial to loved ones lost to overdose led by Tim Costello and so beautifully amplified by the Choir of Hard Knocks. Over 100 attendees then undertook training on how to recognise an overdose, and how to reverse an overdose using injections of naloxone. In addition we gave out 50 naloxone kits (thanks to Pfizer for assisting with a generous concession for the event) to people who are likely to witness an opiate overdose including workers and locals.
We hope to make this an annual event, so watch out for it in 2018!